Eric Holder’s Latest Attempt to Help Ohio Democrats

COLUMBUS—Former Obama Attorney General Eric Holder, who is the first sitting Cabinet member in U.S. history to be held in contempt of Congress by Republicans and Democrats, is relentless in his efforts to fundamentally change Ohio’s political makeup in favor of Democrats.

He failed to win control of the Ohio Redistricting Commission for Democrats in 2018, and campaigned to get judicial activist Jennifer Brunner elected to the Ohio Supreme Court to do his bidding during Ohio’s redistricting process.

Now, looking to November’s General Election, he has identified the Governor, Secretary of State, Auditor, State Supreme Court, State Senate, and State House races as 2022 Democracy Targets.

The myth that Eric Holder and Democrat front groups are fighting for “fair maps” has been repeatedly debunked, but unfortunately they will continue to bully and fight in Republican led states to gerrymander power for Democrats, all while blatantly ignoring Democrat led states.

The majority of Ohio voters despise Eric Holder and Democrat front groups like Ohio Environmental Council, who failed in their efforts to ‘sue until it’s blue.’ Now they are doubling down—vying to take control of the process by campaigning for judicial, executive, and legislative Democrats who want to gerrymander the districts to favor their party.”—Chairman Bob Paduchik, Ohio Republican Party
With Ohio statewide Democrats failing to raise money, keep an eye out for Eric Holder and his kind to start dumping their dark money and resources to prop up their failing campaigns that are being wholly rejected by Ohio voters.

Tim Ryan will Say AnYtHiNg to Get Ahead

COLUMBUS—Lyin’ Tim Ryan will say absolutely anything to find his next job. Fortunately for Ohio workers, he crashed and burned in his bid for President, Speaker, and eye at Governor.

Unfortunately for Ohio workers, despite his pro-worker rhetoric at home, he has caved and voted with Joe Biden’s failed policies 100% of the time since Biden took office. In fact, Ryan changes his tune on just about every issue over his 20-years in office.

“Lyin’ Tim Ryan betrayed Ohio workers long ago to gain favor with Washington Democrats, and now as he runs for U.S. Senate it’s laughable to watch him hide his 20-year voting record supporting Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden.”—Chairman Bob Paduchik, Ohio Republican Party

Most recently, he began parroting his latest talking point that he opposes Joe Biden on tariffs, and “agreed with Trump on trade.” That’s bizarre.

During the 2020 Democratic Primary, Ryan called Trump’s tariffs “abominable” and said they should be “revised immediately.”

Ohio voters are learning what workers in the Mahoning Valley discovered long ago—that fake Tim Ryan is a spineless career politician who sways wherever the political winds blow.

“Tim Ryan conveniently forgets he bashed Trump’s tariffs just a few years ago. Ryan is a professional political posturer and complete fraud who has flip flopped and let Ohio workers down for the 20 years he has been in office. He never has, and never will, advocate for Ohio families and American manufacturing, and that’s why we need JD Vance working for us in the U.S. Senate.”—Tom McCabe, Mahoning County GOP Chairman


Chairman Paduchik Releases Statement on Fake Tim Ryan’s Outrageous Claims to Fox News

COLUMBUS—Today, Chairman Bob Paduchik released a statement in response to Tim Ryan’s outrageous claims in a recent Fox News article:

Fake Tim Ryan will say anything to run from his 20-year record of abandoning working men and women. Ryan voted against every meaningful tax cut that has come before him, including Republicans’ 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Actthe largest tax reform package in historyOhio voters see Ryan for the fraud he is and look forward to electing JD Vance in November.“—Chairman Bob Paduchik, Ohio Republican Party




President Trump’s tax cuts that Tim Ryan voted against benefitted the American people:


  • 82% of middle-class households received a tax cut, an average of $1,260.
  • 90% of Americans saw an increase in take-home pay.
  • In 2018, wages grew by the largest amount in a decade.
  • The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act doubled the Child Tax Credit, saving working families more than $100 billion.
  • These tax cuts also resulted in 3.3% wage growth in 2018, the best in a decade while unemployment hit historic lows.
  • This is a stark contrast to the abysmal state of the economy that Tim Ryan and Joe Biden have created with their failed policies.

Court Dismisses Frivolous Lawsuit Against Ohio Republican Party

Columbus—Today, ORP Chairman Bob Paduchik released a statement following the Franklin County Court of Common Pleas’ dismissal of the civil case against the Ohio Republican Party filed by Laura Rosenberger, Mark Bainbridge, JoAnn Campbell, Joe Miller, and Denise Verdi:

“On May 31, 2022, the Ohio Republican Party received the trial court’s decision dismissing Plaintiffs’ complaint and rejecting Plaintiffs’ attempt to file an amended complaint. The trial court’s thorough and well-reasoned 17-page decision makes clear that there was no legal basis for Plaintiffs’ claims.

This frivolous lawsuit was a political attack against the Ohio Republican Party, the State Central Committee, and the candidates we serve. The five committee members that filed this suit have disgraced themselves by placing their personal political agendas above the party’s mission to elect Republicans to office.

With the 2022 election cycle in full swing, this meaningless distraction has come to a conclusion to the benefit of Republicans across Ohio.”—Chairman Bob Paduchik, Ohio Republican Party

To read the full decision, click here.