COLUMBUS—Today the Ohio Republican Party passed the following resolution rejecting Joe Biden’s Expansion of Title IX:
Resolution to Support Parents and School Districts in Rejecting Harmful, Coercive, and Burdensome Gender Identity Policies and Protect School Lunch Programs and Other Federal Funding Subject to Title IX
RESOLVED, we the Republican State Central Committee of Ohio, emphatically support the original, authentic meaning of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 in accordance with the RNC platform. We unequivocally oppose the proposed regulatory changes released by the U.S. Department of Education on June 23, 2022. We support the lawsuit filed by Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost and 21 other state Attorneys General seeking to invalidate the newly enacted Department of Agriculture rules, that tie continued receipt of federal nutritional assistance and other funding subject to Title IX to the adoption of gender identity policies.
RESOLVED, the Republican State Central Committee resoundingly rejects President Joe Biden’s expansion of Title IX to include gender identification. We regard such expansion to be a federal overreach and a violation of the people’s trust to oversee their own local schools. We affirm we want all children in schools to be protected.