Last week, Justice Sharon L. Kennedy made the most of her days before choosing to take her campaign remote. Between touring businesses, speaking to Rotary Clubs, and meeting with local media outlets about her initiative Lean Forward: Advancing Veterans Treatment Across Ohio, she found time to speak at several Lincoln Day dinners.
During her keynote address at the Knox County Lincoln Day dinner, Sharon discussed the importance of the judiciary.
“Imagine, if you can, living in a country, where you do not have the rights to free speech; free exercise of religion; to bear arms; or the ability to live in your homes free of government intrusion. Here, in the greatest country on the earth, our tripartite system of government protects our God given rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness from the overreach of government. The primary role of judges who serve the third branch of government – an independent and co-equal branch – is to protect the Republic by upholding the law, not rewriting it or legislating from the bench. And their second commandment is to protect our constitutional rights and strike down laws as unconstitutional when those laws strip us of our constitutional rights of free speech; free exercise of religion; and the right to bear arms; and to live free without government intrusion.”
Sharon concluded by thanking the Knox County Republican Party for hosting the event, and reminded everyone in attendance to vote all the way down the ticket on November 3rd and to vote for a Kennedy.
Please stay safe and healthy during these unprecedented times.