COLUMBUS—Today, Chairman Bob Paduchik released a statement in response to Tim Ryan’s outrageous claims in a recent Fox News article:
“Fake Tim Ryan will say anything to run from his 20-year record of abandoning working men and women. Ryan voted against every meaningful tax cut that has come before him, including Republicans’ 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act—the largest tax reform package in history. Ohio voters see Ryan for the fraud he is and look forward to electing JD Vance in November.“—Chairman Bob Paduchik, Ohio Republican Party
President Trump’s tax cuts that Tim Ryan voted against benefitted the American people:
- 82% of middle-class households received a tax cut, an average of $1,260.
- 90% of Americans saw an increase in take-home pay.
- In 2018, wages grew by the largest amount in a decade.
- The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act doubled the Child Tax Credit, saving working families more than $100 billion.
- These tax cuts also resulted in 3.3% wage growth in 2018, the best in a decade while unemployment hit historic lows.
- This is a stark contrast to the abysmal state of the economy that Tim Ryan and Joe Biden have created with their failed policies.