Press Release: ORP State Central Committee Resolution to Censure Matt Borges

ORP State Central Committee Resolution to Censure Matt Borges


Put forth by Sarah Brown, Committeewoman from the 29th-District and adopted unanimously 

Whereas: Former Ohio Republican Party Chairman Matt Borges has conducted himself in a manner which calls into question his dedication to Republican Principles in the following acts:

  • As State Chairman, he committed FEC violations which cost the state party time, treasury, and reputation.
  • Upon being defeated as State Party Chairman he put himself out to promote an initiative to legalize marijuana in Ohio;
  • Upon being defeated as State Party Chairman he put himself out to lead a Super Pac to benefit the nomination of Joe Biden as Democrat Nominee for President;
  • Upon being defeated as State Party Chairman he now leads a Super Pac aimed at defeating the Republican Nominee for President.

Therefore, be it Resolved that the Ohio Republican Party State Central Committee hereby formally disassociates itself from Mr. Borges and otherwise revokes the titIe of Chairman Emeritus that had been granted Mr. Borges upon his defeat as Republican State Chairman. We take this action on account of Mr. Borges’ misconduct and pattern of using his former status as Ohio Republican Chairman to advocate for proposals which had not been endorsed by The Ohio Republican State Central Committee.

By Recorded Roll Call Vote of the Ohio Republican State Central Committee, on this day, June 19th, 2020.
