![]() Chairman’s Update
Good Evening, Ohio’s new primary date is quickly approaching. It has been a challenging time for us all in dealing with COVID-19, and especially so during such an important primary season and election year. I am grateful for our Ohio leadership that adamantly supported postponing the election in the name of health and safety protocols. Thank you to everyone who continued to participate in our election process, and for fulfilling your civic duty in such uncertain times. If you have not yet turned in your absentee ballot, you can still do so. You can hand it in directly to your local county board of elections until the evening of April 28th, or have your ballot postmarked tomorrow, April 27th, and send it in the mail. The Trump Campaign recently launched a new mobile app that allows Americans across the country to register for Trump rallies, check-in to events, contribute, receive campaign news and earn rewards. You can follow this link to sign up with your phone number and download it onto your mobile app store. You can also visit your mobile app store and search for ‘Official Trump 2020 App’ to find it. Help us continue to Keep America Great! Sincerely, Jane M. Timken
On Fox Business, Portman Discusses Need for More Testing to Reopen the Economy Successfully In an interview with Fox Business’ Mornings with Maria last week, Senator Portman discussed the additional rescue funding that passed the Senate last week, which will provide additional resources to help American families, workers, health care providers, and small and mid-sized employers around the nation during this coronavirus pandemic. The legislation will increase loan capacity for small businesses, provide needed resources for health care providers, and increase testing capacity. The legislation awaits passage by the U.S. House of Representatives. Portman also highlighted that in order to restore our economic health, we must first accelerate the public health response, significantly expand our testing capability, and develop a credible system of metrics to measure success in combating the coronavirus. Ultimately, when we start to see the number of new cases decline, it will give the public greater confidence that we can begin to reopen the economy and stay open. His interview can be found here. Governor DeWine Announces Expanded COVID-19 Testing to “Isolate,” “Kill” Coronavirus Ohio Governor Mike DeWine this week made several announcements about state preparations as Ohio prepares to start reopening on May 1st. DeWine appointed a strike force, co-chaired by former Governor Bob Taft, to help Ohio acquire testing supplies and reagent. The group’s work led to an announcement Friday that two companies with Ohio ties will be producing swabs and reagent so Ohio can ramp up to an expected 18,000 tests per day by May 7th. Testing and contact tracing will allow Ohio to be aggressive to “isolate” and “kill” COVID-19, as Ideastream summarized: “DeWine: Ohio To Expand Testing, Tracing To ‘Isolate’ And ‘Kill’ COVID-19.”
Husted Begins Rolling Out Plan to Re-Open Ohio Lt. Governor Jon Husted last week began laying the groundwork for the plan to restart Ohio’s economy. The Lt. Governor emphasized that the state’s plan will include safety precautions so that Ohioans can continue to feel safe while also allowing businesses to restart and get Ohioans back to work. More details on the state’s plan will be released this week. Dave Yost Protects PPE from Price Gouging, Secures Refunds Attorney General Dave Yost announced a Cleveland-area man accused of hoarding N95 respirator masks and selling them online for a 1,800% markup will refund more than $15,000 to those who purchased masks from him, and reimburse the state for $1,500 in investigative costs as part of a settlement. Mario Salwan also agreed under the settlement to transfer 570 N95 masks to the Attorney General’s Office. Yost’s office has donated these lifesaving masks to the MetroHealth System in Cleveland, and to the health care professionals who alerted the Attorney General’s Office to the price gouging scam. “We will continue to make sure no one unjustly profits by exploiting the anxiety of others during this pandemic,” Yost said. “The settlement also will provide essential equipment to the heroes – our doctors and nurses – who need it the most.” Ohioans who suspect price gouging related to COVID-19 and unfair business practices should contact the Ohio Attorney General’s Office at www.OhioProtects.org or 1-800-282-0515. Notable Ohioans Join LaRose in Encouraging Ohioans to Cast Ballots Secretary of State Frank LaRose is calling on Ohio voters to return their vote-by-mail ballots before Tuesday’s deadline. Ohioans from around the state including sports stars, university presidents, and others have joined LaRose in this important call-to-action.
Remember, Ohioans have until April 27th to postmark their ballots, but they can also be dropped off at the secure monitored dropbox found at each county board of elections by 7:30pm on April 28th. Find more information at VoteOhio.gov!
Auditor Faber Discusses COVID Impact with Ohio Cities and Villages
This week Auditor of State Keith Faber spoke with mayors and city fiscal officers from across Ohio to hear how they were preparing for the financial downturn caused by the COVID pandemic. Auditor Faber offered assistance of his office to any entity that believes the current crisis will force them to the brink of fiscal caution or emergency.
Treasurer Sprague Addresses Beavercreek Rotary Virtual Meeting On Friday, Ohio Treasurer Robert Sprague served as keynote speaker
during the Beavercreek Rotary’s weekly meeting. Like many organizations across Ohio, the rotary has transitioned to virtual meetings amid the COVID-19 situation. Treasurer Sprague offered the group an update on the Treasurer’s office and the various ways it’s working to support hospitals, businesses, and job creators during a time of unprecedented challenges. Justice Kennedy Holds Virtual Meeting with Northeast Ohio Pastors
Recently, Justice Sharon L. Kennedy virtually met with a group of faith based leaders from Northeast Ohio who asked questions about her background, her journey to the court, and her work both on and beyond the court. Emphasizing that she is the least likely person to rise to Justice of the Supreme Court of Ohio, Sharon shared her pathway from childhood to law enforcement. And that the great equalizer in her life was serving as a police officer which led her to realize what she perceived as a limitation – her family’s socio-economic status – did not matter. What did matter was her drive to achieve her next dream, serving as a solo practitioner. Using her education and experience, she served as a criminal defense attorney, serving both adult and juvenile clients, and handled a wide-array of cases affording her the ability to practice in courts throughout Butler County. Her time in private practice led her to develop youth programs, work as a Magistrate, and serve on the Alcohol Drug Addiction Services Board. She continued by sharing her 14 years of service as a trial court judge at Butler County Court of Common Pleas, Domestic Relations Division. Her work included fostering access to justice through the pro se forms and instructions materials offered at the court, and working with Jobs and Family Services to develop a Non-support Program. The Non-support Program was designed to help those people who had a child support order, but faced obstacles and hurdles to gain employment and earn a livable wage. When asked about her experience with pro se litigants, Sharon stated that at the trial court a high percentage of litigants could not afford counsel and a high percentage of people seeking review of their cases by the Supreme Court of Ohio do so without the benefit of counsel. “What I find rewarding about what I do,” Sharon said, “is making sure the law is applied equally to all.” In closing, Sharon thanked the group for their interest in her candidacy and that she looked forward to in-person meetings in the near future. Justice French Interacts with Supporters, Supports Small Businesses
Justice French spent the week interacting with supporters online and supporting small businesses in Central Ohio. She had virtual meetings with several groups throughout Ohio, including the Lucas County Republican Women and Ohio Young Republicans. Judi also visited Preston Family Farms in Canal Winchester for some farm fresh eggs and chicken. Preston Farms is a 4-H project farm where the young farmers raise poultry among other things. They’re a member of the Fairfield County Farm Bureau and their products are fantastic. |
![]() Chairman’s Update
Good Evening, Ohio’s new primary date is quickly approaching. It has been a challenging time for us all in dealing with COVID-19, and especially so during such an important primary season and election year. I am grateful for our Ohio leadership that adamantly supported postponing the election in the name of health and safety protocols. Thank you to everyone who continued to participate in our election process, and for fulfilling your civic duty in such uncertain times. If you have not yet turned in your absentee ballot, you can still do so. You can hand it in directly to your local county board of elections, or you can get your ballot postmarked tomorrow, April 27th. You can hand in your ballot in-person until the evening of April 28th. The Trump Campaign recently launched a new mobile app that allows Americans across the country to register for Trump rallies, check-in to events, contribute, receive campaign news and earn rewards. You can follow this linkto sign up with your phone number and download it onto your mobile app store. You can also visit your mobile app store and search for ‘Official Trump 2020 App’ to find it. Help us continue to Keep America Great! Sincerely, Jane M. Timken
On Fox Business, Portman Discusses Need for More Testing to Reopen the Economy Successfully In an interview with Fox Business’ Mornings with Maria last week, Senator Portman discussed the additional rescue funding that passed the Senate last week, which will provide additional resources to help American families, workers, health care providers, and small and mid-sized employers around the nation during this coronavirus pandemic. The legislation will increase loan capacity for small businesses, provide needed resources for health care providers, and increase testing capacity. The legislation awaits passage by the U.S. House of Representatives. Portman also highlighted that in order to restore our economic health, we must first accelerate the public health response, significantly expand our testing capability, and develop a credible system of metrics to measure success in combating the coronavirus. Ultimately, when we start to see the number of new cases decline, it will give the public greater confidence that we can begin to reopen the economy and stay open. His interview can be found here. Governor DeWine Sets Goal to Phase-In Ohio Economic Reopening on May 1st This week, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine announced that beginning May 1st, the state will begin a phased-in reopening of the state economy. The plan will be fact-driven and implemented over a gradual period of time to minimize the health risk to business owners, employees, and their customers. Governor DeWine designated Lt. Governor Jon Husted to lead the governor’s board of economic advisors to identify best practices, similar to the current requirements on essential business operations to ensure Ohioans health and safety as businesses begin the process of reopening. The latest information on COVID-19 in Ohio can be accessed at Coronavirus.Ohio.gov.
Lt. Governor Husted Takes Leadership Role in Economic Recovery As the state begins eying the recovery phase of the coronavirus pandemic, Governor DeWine this week asked Lt. Governor Husted to take a leadership roll in developing the state’s recovery strategy. The Lt. Governor is meeting with business leaders across the state to design a phase-in approach to get Ohioans back to work while keeping everyone as safe as possible from the virus. Dave Yost Fights Price Gouging, Donates PPE to First Responders Attorney General Dave Yost filed a lawsuit against a Cleveland-area man and his co-conspirators for hoarding N95 respirator masks and selling them online for nearly 18 times the retail price. As Ohio faces a critical shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE), Mario Salwan acquired more than 1,200 N95 masks, and sold them for $36.34 per mask when the average retail price is $2.05 per mask. Ohio is asking Salwan to surrender all N95 masks to the state for reasonable compensation. Yost promised his office will continue to go after anyone who price gouges during this pandemic. Last week Yost also announced the Bureau of Criminal Investigation was donating critically needed PPE to sheriff’s departments across the state. BCI donated more than 30,000 gloves, masks and clothing items to help shield Ohio’s first responders on the frontlines. LaRose Urges Voters to Send Their Ballot Requests in as Soon as Possible This week, Secretary of State Frank LaRose announced that 1,254,377 Ohioans have requested a vote-by-mail ballot for the Ohio primary election. 712,048 voters have already cast their ballot. “It is absolutely crucial that Ohioans get their vote-by-mail requests in right away so there is enough time for county boards of elections to process applications and the postal service to deliver the ballots,” said LaRose. “This is an unprecedented situation, and thanks to our tireless election officials and over 130 partners across Ohio, we’re doing everything in our power to provide voters their opportunity to be heard. Voters need to go to VoteOhio.gov so they can utilize that opportunity and get their ballot request in today.” Ballots must be postmarked by April 27th or submitted directly to the voter’s respective county board of elections by 7:30 p.m. on April 28th. Learn how to request your vote-by-mail ballot at VoteOhio.gov. Auditor of State Keith Faber Hosts Virtual Roundtables with County Officials
The economic effects of the coronavirus have been dramatic. Governments at every level need to be prepared to tighten their belts and do more with less. This week Auditor of State Keith Faber hosted virtual roundtables with county officials to begin a dialogue to discuss how they have been preparing for the economic downturn.
Treasurer Sprague Announces More Reduced Interest Loans for Ohio’s Famers On Tuesday, Treasurer Robert Sprague announced that 764 reduced interest loans totaling $82 million were made available to farmers and agribusinesses through the recent Ag-LINK application period. Ag-LINK provides interest rate reductions on operating loans up to $150,000. Loans may be used for costs such as feed, fuel, fertilizer, and other expenses.
“Between last year’s extreme weather and this year’s economic challenges, we want to support Ohio’s farmers and agribusinesses by putting our balance sheet to work for them,” said Treasurer Sprague. “Now more than ever, it’s important for our farmers to have the resources they need to grow and harvest our food supply.”
The Ag-LINK application period closed on March 30.
Justice Kennedy Speaks to Three High Schools Virtually
On Tuesday, Justice Sharon L. Kennedy connected with students from Marysville High School, Marysville STEM Early College High School, and Penta Career Center via video chat. Asked to begin her presentation by telling students about her journey to the Supreme Court of Ohio, Sharon told the students to live their lives by the lessons taught in Robert Frost’s poem, “The Road Not Taken”. “While traveling on the pathway to achieve your goal, opportunities will arise,” Sharon said. “As you stand there looking at the path you’re on, and looking at the new opportunity that has emerged, you will need to make a choice. For you cannot be one traveler and take both paths. Changing directions, Sharon then talked with the students about our tripartite system of government, the founding documents, and our Republic. Overlying the federal system on Ohio’s founding she discussed the Northwest Ordinance, its provisions, and how it shaped the Ohio Constitution. In closing, she reminded the students of the woman who asked Benjamin Franklin what type of government had the Founders given them, a monarchy or a Republic to which Franklin replied “A Republic, if you can keep it.” She told the students they are the future caretakers of our Republic and it will be up to them to preserve the Republic for the next generation. Justice French Volunteers at Food Pantry
Justice French volunteered at Heart to Heart food pantry this week, stocking shelves, and unloading boxes. The pandemic has increased the need for food pantries more than ever and there’s a need for more volunteers across the country. You can learn more about Heart to Heart by visiting their website: http://h2h.fcchurch.com
![]() Chairman’s Update
Good Evening, To all those celebrating, I wish you a Happy Easter. Although this year’s celebration looks a little bit different than normal, we can and should still connect with our friends and family. From Zoom to Skype, there are many ways we can all keep in touch with our loved ones. I have faith that we will get through this tough season together, even while following social distancing rules, and soon this will be behind us. I’d like to remind you all once again that voting by mail for the Ohio primary has been extended to April 28th. You can find an absentee ballot application at voteohio.gov, and you can also track your request and ballot at that same site. You can find your county slate card at ohiogop.org. It is so important that we all fulfill our civic duty by voting, even in a time like this. Wishing you all a blessed Easter. Sincerely, Jane M. Timken |
Portman Working for Ohio During Coronavirus
The coronavirus crisis has impacted the lives of all Ohioans. That’s why Senator Portman has been made it a priority to communicate with constituents through tele town halls and Facebook about the work he has done with the state and federal government, as well as with Ohio companies and stakeholders throughout the state to ensure Ohio has the resources it needs to respond to this unprecedented health crisis and can contribute to the national effort to slow the spread of the virus. Here are some of the key priorities Portman has been working on during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic:
Governor DeWine, State of Ohio Continue to Earn Accolades for Getting COVID-19 Response Right, “Textbook” Handling of Pandemic This week, the Washington Post profiled Ohio Governor Mike DeWIne for Ohio’s “textbook” handling of the COVID-19 crisis and preparations. The article, “Did Ohio get it right? Early intervention, preparation for pandemic may pay off.” by Lenny Bernstein, stated in part:
“Ohio may be realizing the benefits of early intervention in the pandemic by its government and medical community. With about 5,100 covid-19 cases, it has fewer than a third the number of people with the novel coronavirus than in three comparably sized states — Michigan, Pennsylvania and Illinois. And Ohio has just a small fraction of the deaths reported in those states.”
Lt. Governor Encourages Ohioans Ahead of Easter Weekend In the midst of both the health and economic challenges brought on by the COVID-19 emergency in Ohio, Lt. Governor Jon Husted used some time during one of last week’s press conferences to encourage Ohioans to not give up. Quoting the book of Galatians, he reminded us that, if do not give up on doing good, we will soon reap a harvest. On Twitter he stated that “It’s Friday – but Sunday is coming.” Yost Ramps Up Fight Against Price Gouging Amid COVID-19 Attorney General Dave Yost’s fight against price gouging took a major step forward last week with the introduction of Senate Bill 301. The legislation was introduced by Sens. Nathan Manning and Steve Wilson, and provides a market-based approach to protect buyers and sellers. Yost’s office has received more than 400 complaints of price gouging – both online and in-person – as coronavirus ramped up in Ohio, and in-demand items such as hand sanitizer and toilet paper flew off the shelves. “A marketplace has rules to protect both buyer and seller,” Yost said. “When predators try to turn it into a knife fight with no rules, it’s time to take the knives away. There is a difference between a free market and a free-for-all.” LaRose Releases PSA with Gov. DeWine Encouraging Ohioans to Vote by Mail This week, Secretary of State Frank LaRose launched a Public Service Announcement, featuring Governor Mike DeWine, encouraging Ohioans to vote by mail in the 2020 primary election. Learn how to request your ballot by visiting VoteOhio.gov and mail it in before April 28th! Auditor of State Keith Wishes Everyone a Happy Easter
These are difficult days, but today we have the privilege of celebrating the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. As we continue following the CDC guidelines to stop the spread of COVID-19, I pray we all remember the that God that loves us and will see us through this crisis. You all are in my prayers.
I hope everyone has a blessed Easter Sunday.
– Keith
Sprague Op-Ed: Relief for Ohio’s Small Businesses This week, Ohio Treasurer Robert Sprague helped get the word out to Ohioans about the new Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) available through the Small Business Administration. Established as part of the federal CARES Act, the new program provides 100% federally-guaranteed loans to small businesses. Loans obtained through the program will be forgiven so long as they are used to cover qualified costs and maintain payroll through the current COVID-19 crisis.
“As we all know, small businesses serve as the economic engines that drive communities across our state,” said Treasurer Sprague. “Their success is Ohio’s success, and we must never fail to support them.” The application period for PPP loans opened on April 3.
Justice Kennedy Wishes Ohioans a Happy Easter & Passover
As Easter Sunday approaches, I think of all the things I have to be grateful for. Easter is a very special time for my family.
It is a time to come together – to attend Mass, to celebrate the resurrection of God’s only Son and the gift of eternal life, and to be together as one family – enjoying the Olde World traditions of my Great Great Uncle Gus, ravioli and red sauce. It is also a time to remember and pray for our friends who have been persecuted through the ages as they celebrate Passover.
While this year may be different, as many of us are separated by physical distance, we are never truly apart. For family lives in our hearts. May you and your loved ones have a blessed Easter and Passover.
“This day was made by the Lord we rejoice and be glad.” Psalm 117:24.
Justice French Takes Part in Remote Arguments
From her chambers in Columbus, Justice French took part in the Ohio Supreme Court’s first-ever remote oral arguments. With justices in their chambers and lawyers in their offices, the court heard cases from around Ohio.
Justice French also conducted an online discussion with the Ohio State Bar Association’s Leadership Academy. She encouraged these emerging leaders to consider running for public office, to explore new opportunities without fear of failure, and to embrace change.
In this season of hope and new beginnings, Justice French wishes all Ohioans peace and good health.