Ohio Republican Party Statement on Joe Biden’s Withdrawal

Today, Ohio Republican Party Chairman Alex Triantafilou released the following statement regarding the announcement that Joe Biden will no longer run for President in 2024:

“Joe Biden’s decision to withdraw from the race, while remaining President, is the reason the American people are so distrustful of this administration.

If Joe Biden is not fit to be President in January, he is not fit to be President today.

Donald Trump and JD Vance will win this November and they will save this country. They will reverse Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ historic failures on addressing rampant inflation and the rising cost of living, the immigration crisis, and out-of-control crime.

But they cannot do that until January, and Americans deserve better than to have an incapable Commander-in-Chief for the next 6 months.

Joe Biden should resign his Presidency immediately.”

Choose Your Bernie

COLUMBUS​As Bernie Sanders makes his way to the Buckeye State today, it is a fresh reminder of the close relationship he has with his oldest political ally, Sherrod Brown.​

Sherrod and Bernie both joined the U.S. Senate in 2007 and were in the House for 14 years together before that. Their socialist policies have been a driving force for the far-left wing of their party for decades. One Vox reporter in 2015 described Sherrod as Sanders’ “closest Senate ally,” pointing out that Bernie and Brown agree on “almost literally everything.”

Almost nobody in Ohio wants to see a far-left socialist like Bernie Sanders representing them, but that is exactly what they will continue to get unless we change course. During the 2020 primary, Sherrod said that he and Bernie Sanders are both “full throated” for Joe Biden. Clearly, Biden and Sanders were Sherrod’s two best friends in Washington, and the higher costs and failed policies of the Biden Administration clearly highlight the detriment to Ohio workers.

On the other hand, Bernie Moreno and Donald Trump have a clear vision to put America back on the right track. President Trump was ruthless in prioritizing the working people of Ohio. Moreno has unequivocally stood on the ideal that all public policy priorities in America should revolve around a simple concept: what is good for American workers and families? When elected in November, there is no doubt that he and Donald Trump will deliver on their promises.

Bottom Line: Bernie Moreno and Donald Trump are going to put America First and make our country great again. Bernie Sanders and Sherrod Brown are far-left socialists who have failed the American worker.


LAUNCH: Buckeye Battalion Mobilizes to Elect President Trump, Bernie Moreno, and Republicans Up and Down the Ballot in Ohio

COLUMBUS—Following a strong Statewide Call to Action over the weekend, the Ohio Republican Party is formally deploying the “Buckeye Battalion,” an all-encompassing, coordinated field effort by the Ohio Republican Party, local Republican organizations and candidates across Ohio to support Donald Trump, Bernie Moreno, and Republicans up and down the ballot in November.

“Following the March Primary Election, the Ohio Republican Party called for unity within our ranks and clearly outlined our major priorities,” said Chairman Alex Triantafilou. “Now it is time to take our unified front and unparalleled enthusiasm a step further to ensure all of our campaign efforts are effectively and efficiently helping candidates up and down the ballot.”

In 2020, the Party’s coordinated effort helped turn out more votes for President Trump than any candidate has received in state history—over 3.1 million votes. In order to defeat Sherrod Brown, the Buckeye Battalion will be doubling their efforts to grow our ranks ahead of the November 5th election.

“I was blown away by the enthusiasm we saw during our call to action this weekend, and we look forward to growing the Buckeye Battalion ranks and turning out the vote in every county across Ohio on November 5th,” added Triantafilou.

In 2024, the Buckeye Battalion’s volunteers and grassroots leaders will work side-by-side, and in conjunction with, Trump Force 47 and Team Moreno to engage in a highly-targeted effort to deliver Republican votes for the entire Republican ticket this November.

For those looking to get involved and join the Buckeye Battalion, visit www.ohiogop.org/buckeye-battalion/.

Ohio Republican Party Congratulates Congressman-Elect Michael Rulli

COLUMBUS—Today, Ohio Republican Party Chairman Alex Triantafilou released the following statement, congratulating Congressman-Elect Michael Rulli on his victory in the OH-06 Special Election:

“Congratulations to Ohio’s next congressman, Michael Rulli! The people of Ohio’s 6th Congressional District are patriotic, hard-working, and want to see Washington DC start putting America First again. I am confident he will do a tremendous job for his constituents, and I look forward to working with him to support our Republican candidates up and down the ballot in November.”–Chairman Alex Triantafilou, Ohio Republican Party

SEE ALSO: (Tribune Chronicle) Triantafilou: 6th Congressional election is critical

Shady Sherrod Can’t Be Trusted

COLUMBUS—Since day one of the failed Biden Administration, Shady Sherrod Brown and Joe Biden have shamelessly lied to the American people about the state of the border, economy, and just about every other disaster they have caused.

This should come as no surprise to anyone who has followed Sherrod Brown over the years. His playbook is simple—​fight for the priorities of the far-left special interests in Washington until two years before he has to face Ohio voters, then do a sharp swing to the middle.

  • Sherrod Brown promised to reject corporate PAC money when he ran for President, but quickly changed course when he dropped out.
  • Sherrod Brown lied when he said we are seeing “lower costs” in 2023. Prices under he and Joe Biden’s failed leadership are UP 20%.
  • Sherrod Brown gaslights energy workers by wearing a “canary in the coal mine” pin, when it is clear he and Joe Biden want to put every single coal plant out of business.
  • In 2018, Sherrod Brown said there is “Nothing is more important than keeping Americans safe” when talking about the border. That is laughable considering he has supported Joe Biden’s disastrous border policy and the worst border crisis in history.
  • Not to mention he has not said a word about the many lies Joe Biden tells every day….

Bottom Line: Sherrod Brown has, and always will, put his own political interests ahead of the people of Ohio.

SEE ALSOOhio Republican Party Statement on OH Dems Circus Tour

Ohio Republican Party Statement on OH Dems Circus Tour

COLUMUS—This week, the Ohio Democrat Party announced their latest circus act as they drive around the Buckeye State to try to deflect attention from Joe Biden and Sherrod Brown’s failed policies that are crushing everyday Ohioans.

“Joe Biden and Sherrod Brown have lied about everything from inflation to the border ever since the start of this disastrous administration. The reality is, when good Ohio jobs were being shipped overseas under the leadership of Sherrod Brown, Bernie Moreno was building a successful business and creating good jobs for Ohio families. Ohioans see this latest circus act for what it is.”—Chairman Alex Triantafilou, Ohio Republican Party

Sherrod Brown previously stated that, “Joe Biden’s politics now are not much different from mine.” If the Ohio Democrats want to hold a press conference, they need to be answering for:

  1. Why they support blue-collar workers paying off the student loans of college students
  2. Why they supported Joe Biden’s open-border policies and called President Trump’s strong policies on the border a “stupid vanity project.”
  3. Why they endorsed failed “Bidenomics”
  4. Why they helped Joe Biden lie about the misnamed “Inflation Reduction Act” which was actually just a big government spending boondoggle
  5. Why they are on board with Joe Biden’s radical EV mandates that are crushing Ohio autoworkers.
However, don’t expect to hear much about Joe Biden from Ohio Democrats moving forward. Sherrod Brown will do anything in an election year to run from his failed record.

Bottom Line: The next time OH Dems want to parade around the state, it should be to address the failed policies forced on Ohioans by their out-of-touch party.

ICYMI… Desperate Democrats Attack Veteran for Helping Veterans

DEAR EDITOR: The recent Democrat attack against Orlando Sonza might be the laziest, most out of touch political attack I have seen in years. Somehow, they’ve concocted a way to go after a West Point graduate and former Army infantry officer for taking a position that allows him to help his fellow veterans. What could be more pathetic than that?

Orlando is a military veteran, earned his master’s degree in taxation from the University of Cincinnati and a law degree from Georgetown Law—but Democrats want you to believe he can’t walk and chew gum at the same time. Orlando is a tireless and tough individual who absolutely is capable of running for public office while holding a job of great importance.

Unfortunately, I’d expect nothing less than this kind of underhanded narrative from do-nothing Democrats in Hamilton County. Unfortunately, anything to deflect from the unbelievable failures of Democrats in Washington is good enough for them.

A true public servant always seeks new opportunities to give back to the community. Joining the Veterans Service Commission board is simply the latest example of him doing just that. I am confident that many veterans will be better off for his service.

Chairman Alex Triantafilou, Ohio Republican Party

Can Somebody Check on the Democrats?

COLUMBUS—Yesterday, Governor Mike DeWine made it clear that Ohioans should have the opportunity to vote for their preferred major-party candidate for U.S. President, a decision that was widely supported by Republicans including Ohio Republican Party Chairman Alex Triantafilou, Senator JD VanceBernie Moreno, and many other Republicans.

Common sense would dictate that Ohio Democrats would want their party’s nominee, and sitting president, to appear on the ballot this November. However, here’s a sampling of their response:

  • Allison Russo called it, “spoiled milk.”
  • Senator Bill DeMora wildly claimed after months of Democrats’ complaining that they “don’t need” the legislation. This is the same guys whose strategy for getting Biden on the ballot was to “just to say they did it.”
  • The Ohio Democratic Party outright lied by stating, somehow, that the Republican Governor calling a special session with the specific intention of placing Joe Biden on the ballot amounted to preventing “…Ohioans from choosing who they want to be president…”
It appears that one, or both, of these things must be true:
  1. Ohio Democrats do not actually want Joe Biden on the ballot because they know he will be detrimental to Sherrod Brown, or
  2. They are finally admitting that their so called “citizen initiatives” actually rely on foreign dark money and they can’t afford to see that cash cow go away.

Bottom Line
: While Democrats would rather play politics than get their own President on the ballot, Republicans will do what is in the best interest of ALL Ohioans. Somebody should probably check on them to make sure they are okay.